description About
The story follows Paprika, an American exchange student on a "homestay" in Japan and her friend, Juicy, who have to deal with the arrival of Paprika's obnoxious cousin, Chibiham. Chibiham is determined to have a good time while visiting Japan, but she's oblivious to cultural differences and runs roughshod over the locals - complaining about the food, picking fights with store clerks, and otherwise making a nuisance of herself. Will Juicy's mother be able to set Chibiham straight?
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 2022-09-24
- video_camera_front Companies Studio Ains
- timer Runtime: 69 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- favorite Likes: 0 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt22006444
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Mika Hijii
Juicy (voice)
Noa Iwasawa
Derumo (voice)
Dai Ohyama
Kintama (voice)
Akiko Iwase
Juicy's mother (voice)
Paprika (voice)
Jennifer Loyd
Chibiham (voice)
groups Crew
Riki Ohkanda
Original Story
Riki Ohkanda
Riki Ohkanda
CG Supervisor
Aiko Matsushita
Reiko Honjo
Katsuyuki Iwasaki
Character Designer
Yasusi Fukuda
3D Modeller
Wataru Yokoi
3D Modeller
Ryo Nakajima
Hironori Ito
Sound Recordist
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