Make the Birds Quiet So I Can Hear Myself Singing (2021)

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In 'Make the Birds Quiet so I can Hear Myself Singing' a person wears a painted costume of themselves and interacts with a wooden frame. A minimal 'painted world' is introduced. A pre-recorded monotonous glitching voice reflects on an everyday experience of memory, wondering why it is so hard to remember things when we want to, and why memories pop up when they do: Reminding us of people we have not seen for some time, reminding us of the smell of someones sweat, because we heard that song at a house party once. What flicks memories in and out of our minds?


  • verified Status: Released
  • calendar_month Release Date: 2021-01-01
  • video_camera_front Companies
  • timer Runtime: 10 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
  • favorite Likes: 0 Likes
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Make the birds quiet so I can hear myself singing - Film by Emily Stevenhagen

Make the birds quiet so I can hear myself singing - Film by Emily Stevenhagen


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