description About
Maeda Yoichi's film adaptation of the long-running TV comedy series of the same name (1961-1967; TBS) written by Kagawa Toshio and produced by Sawada Takaharu (Tenamonda Sandogasa). The humorous story of a group of likeable loser ("sucharaka") employees at an Osaka branch who learn that unless they band together and actually work(!), their company will go into bankruptcy. Miyako Chocho appears as the Company President.
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 1966-08-13
- video_camera_front Companies Shochiku
- timer Runtime: 79 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- favorite Likes: 0 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt0781609
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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Sucharaka Shain (1966) is currently available to stream in different countries. Streaming sources are provided by JustWatch. JustWatch makes it easy to find out where you can legally watch your favorite movies & TV shows online. Visit JustWatch for more information.
smart_display Cast
Chōchō Miyako
Isamu Nagato
Daimaru Nakata
Racket Nakata
Rookie Shin-ichi
Emi Shindo
Bimbo Danao
Hiroshi Fujioka
Keiko Nishioka
Michirō Minami
Yūji Nanto
Ryuji Kamigata
Ryota Kamigata
Hanji Wakai
Kenji Wakai
Akemi Higashiyama
Ryoko Takahara
Out Yokoyama
Itoshi Yumeji
Koishi Kimi
Utae Shōji
Terue Shoji
Hanae Shōji
Harumi Miyako
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