Movie Maniacs (1936)

star 5.5

description About

The boys are stowaways on a train box-car filled with furniture bound for Hollywood where they hope to break into movies and become stars. Arriving at the Carnation Pictures Studios. Fuller Rath, the studio general manager, receives a telegram from the home office telling him that a certain "Mr. Smith and his two assistants" will arrive to take over the supervision of the studios. He mistakes the Stooges as the executives and gives them free reign over the studios, where they proceed to disrupt and destroy the production of a romantic drama.


  • verified Status: Released
  • calendar_month Release Date: 1936-02-20
  • video_camera_front Companies Columbia Pictures
  • timer Runtime: 18 Mins
  • star Rating: 5.5 / 10
  • favorite Likes: 16 Likes
  • info IMDB ID tt0027993
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