In Working Progress (1970)

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description About

In the shadow of the disengagement from Gaza, west from Ramallah, a new city is under construction, Kiriyat Sefer. In the early hours of the morning, some construction workers from a neighboring Palestinian village, Bilin, walk towards another day of work. Unemployed since the early days of the Second Intifada and drowned into financial debts, Maher Hatib, is forced to work, against his own conscience, in the new settlement that is being built on the village's lands. In a day's work, with scarce time for rest, the words tossed into the air and space open a window to the sentiments of the workers for the land they once cherished. The struggle of the workers remains silent given the paradox of their situation. Their employment supplies the occupation forces that allow the construction of the separation fence and the continuation of the future expansion plans.


  • verified Status: Released
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  • timer Runtime: 30 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
  • favorite Likes: 0 Likes
  • info IMDB ID tt0880461
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