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Synopsis: Dagohoy plays a flute near a river when disrupted by an ethereal voice and the tragic news of his brother's death. Desperate for a proper burial, he pleads with the reluctant Friar for blessing, leading to a disagreement and Dagohoy's injury. A kind villager found Dagohoy helplessly and tended his wound. Afterwards, a 'spirit' visited Dagohoy in his dream. The following day, they seek Tamblot, a male Babaylan and revolutionary leader, to further heal Dagohoy's wounds. While performing the ritual of renewal and baptizing the new resistance fighters, the Friar saw the traditional baptism. He disapproves and challenges Tamblot, leading to a fight. After some time, while still constantly visited by the 'spirit,' the revolutionaries prepare for a significant uprising led by Dagohoy. Their battle cry for justice signals the beginning of 85 years of revolution.


  • verified Status: Released
  • calendar_month Release Date: 2023-11-18
  • video_camera_front Companies Cinemaregla
  • timer Runtime: 18 Mins
  • star Rating: 3 / 10
  • favorite Likes: 1 Likes
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