description About
Night Riders is a Malayalam horror-comedy film directed by Noufal Abdullah, featuring Mathew Thomas in the lead role and Meenakshi Unnikrishnan in a central character. The film blends elements of fantasy, horror, and humor, set against a unique period backdrop. With a screenplay by Jyothish M and Sunu AV, known for their work on Pranaya Vilasam, the story is brought to life by a talented supporting cast including Abu Salim, Rony David Raj, Roshan Shanavas, and others. Produced under the banner of Ullaakk Films by Nisar Babu and Sajin Ali, the film is crafted for a multi-language audience, being released in Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, and Hindi. The technical crew features Abhilash Shankar as the cinematographer and music composed by Yakzan Gary Pereira and Neha S Nair, promising a captivating audio-visual experience. With its intriguing narrative and vibrant production, Night Riders delivers an engaging mix of thrills and laughter.
- verified Status: In Production
- calendar_month Release Date:
- video_camera_front Companies Ullaakk Films
- timer Runtime: 0 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- favorite Likes: 0 Likes
- info IMDB ID
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Mathew Thomas
Abu Salim
Sarath Sabha
Roshan Shanavas
Rony David Raj
Meenakshi Unnikrishnan
Zinil Zainuddin
Noushad Ali
Merin Philip
groups Crew
Noufal Abdulla
Jyothish M
Sunu A V
Nisar Babu
Sajin Ali Pulakkal
Melwy J
Costume Designer
Yakzan Gary Pereira
Original Music Composer
Neha Nair
Original Music Composer
Ronex Xavier
Makeup Artist
Noufal Abdulla
Bijesh Thami
Executive Producer
Abilash Sankar
Director of Photography
Kalai Kingson
Zihar Ashraf
Still Photographer
Navab Abdullah
Production Design
Pratheesh Sekhar
Public Relations
P. K. Jinu
Production Controller
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