description About
In a fictitious South American country there's lots of political tension, the labor-unions have all their members on strike. The public demands the return of politician B. from exile. However private trucker Pal can't afford to strike, so he's beaten up and his truck burned. In the headlines he's described as strike-breaker. This is only part of an intrigue which shall get him to murder B.
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 1975-06-14
- video_camera_front Companies El Imán Cine y Televisión S.A., Taurean Films, Luis Megino
- timer Runtime: 97 Mins
- star Rating: 4 / 10
- favorite Likes: 6 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt0070162
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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