description About
Set in Hong Kong and Vancouver, the story follows Mac Ramsey and Li Ann Tsei, lovers and professional thieves who are separated while fleeing the powerful Hong Kong underworld crime lord who raised and trained them. After being imprisoned in Hong Kong, Mac is forcefully recruited into a clandestine international crime-fighting unit by a hard-nosed, menacing Director. He is teamed in Vancouver with Li Ann, who thought Mac was dead, and her new fiancé Victor Mansfield, an ex-cop who is attracted to the unorthodox methods of the agency. Conflict flares between Mac and Victor as the trio take on their assignment. They soon learn that their principal target is their foster brother Michael Tang, who had been given Li Ann as his future wife and who has vowed to hunt down the pair for their disloyalty to the "family".
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 1996-09-29
- video_camera_front Companies
- timer Runtime: 96 Mins
- star Rating: 4.8 / 10
- favorite Likes: 20 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt0116712
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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smart_display Cast
Sandrine Holt
Li Ann Tsei
Ivan Sergei
Mac Ramsey
Nicholas Lea
Victor Mansfield
Robert Ito
The Godfather
Michael Wong
Michael Tang
Jennifer Dale
The Director
Alan Scarfe
Robertson Graves
Stephen Chang
Mr. Chang
Jennifer Vey
Goth Girl (uncredited)
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