description About
This historical drama addresses European immigration to the Americas (in this case to Buenos Aires, Argentina) during the last two decades of the 19th century. Among its main characters are a Spanish immigrant, a German one, and an established "Argentine." They compete for the affection of a more established female Spanish immigrant, now a successful businesswoman, albeit a prostitute.
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 1998-06-24
- video_camera_front Companies Blue Dahlia Productions, Tornasol Media, Sogetel, Continental Producciones, Aleph, Road Movies Vierte Produktionen
- timer Runtime: 95 Mins
- star Rating: 4 / 10
- favorite Likes: 4 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt0168813
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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