description About
Right from its original idea, ¨The Clues - Las Pistas - Lanhoyij - Nmitaxanaxac¨ surprises you. How come no one had ever thought of including the different cultures that inhabit Argentina to shape up a story about betrayal, rescues, double agents, and varied, imprecise intrigues? That’s the game suggested by Sebastian Lingiardi’s triple-named (from its wichi and Toba translations) first film, in which a series of apparently harmless characters weave a net of imprecise connections and goals, a plot of unknown limits that turns paranoia into a concrete reality.
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 2010-04-01
- video_camera_front Companies Universidad del Cine, Centro de Investigación y Formación para la modalidad aborígen (AR)
- timer Runtime: 50 Mins
- star Rating: 5 / 10
- favorite Likes: 1 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt1636807
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
image Images
smart_display Cast
Armando bustamante
Gabriela Canavés
Gustavo Salvatierra
Laura Segundo
Juan Manuel Tellategui
Elcida Villagra
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