description About
Set after the drama series "Meiji Tokyo Renka." High school student Mei Ayazuki (Rikka Ihara) has travelled back in time to Tokyo in the Meiji period. She meets various historical figures from that time period. The identity of mysterious magician Chari (Yutaka Kobayashi) is revealed. (via Asianwiki)
- verified Status: Released
- calendar_month Release Date: 2019-06-21
- video_camera_front Companies
- timer Runtime: 89 Mins
- star Rating: 7 / 10
- favorite Likes: 1 Likes
- info IMDB ID tt11609854
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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Meiji Tokyo Renka (2019) is currently available to stream in different countries. Streaming sources are provided by JustWatch. JustWatch makes it easy to find out where you can legally watch your favorite movies & TV shows online. Visit JustWatch for more information.
smart_display Cast
Shuto Miyazaki
Mori Ogai
Rikka Ihara
Ayazuki Mei
Taiki Yamazaki
Kawakami Otojiro
Yuki Kubota
Fujita Goro
Tetsuya Iwanaga
Koizumi Yakumo
Shota Matsushima
Iwasaki Tosuke
Yutaka Kobayashi
Takahashi Makaha
Hishida Shunso
Okito Waku
Izumi Kyoka
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