The First Movie on the Internet: Volume G [1] (2021)

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"Between 1995 and 1997, I lived in Tokyo, where I began to work on a movie about Manchuria. [...] Volume G is the beginning of that movie from then, set in a place that the Communist Chinese called Fake [or Maquette] Manchuria at one time. [...] When I was younger, I had the habit of reading very long novels, liking those in a list like Murasaki or Wu or Pynchon or Herodotus or Fuentes or Blish or Sterne or Murakami, and this movie reminds me of that..." - (David Blair) ---------- [Released on DVD and digital, 2021, 11 hr] Each movie in the Volumes is a different movie, and each is 7-32 hours long. “Beginnings end in some stories you haven’t heard, in a place filled with such stories, silent and packed together in solid forms, kept in a room in a building above a darkened body of blue water that contains an antique nuclear reactor." PRODUCTION: The Telepathic Association, PARIS


  • verified Status: Released
  • calendar_month Release Date: 2021-10-15
  • video_camera_front Companies Telepathic Association
  • timer Runtime: 11 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
  • favorite Likes: 0 Likes
  • info IMDB ID
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Volume G 1  tenminutes

Volume G 1 tenminutes


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