description About
Age of Legend plans to act as a prequel to The Wheel of Time, set thousands of years earlier in the world's cyclical timeline, in a utopian society where a magical force known as the “One Power” (the source of all magic within the Wheel of Time’s world, harnessed by powerful beings known as channellers) spurs humanity into a new age of enlightenment. But when an evil force corrupts users of the One Power, forcing them to unleash a global cataclysm in a fit of madness, a group of women comes under the banner of the White Tower—the home of the Aes Sedai, the only all-female organization of powerful channelers in the Westlands—to become the world’s last hope for survival.
- verified Status: Rumored
- calendar_month Release Date:
- video_camera_front Companies Radar Pictures, IWOT Productions
- timer Runtime: 0 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- favorite Likes: 0 Likes
- info IMDB ID
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
image Images
groups Crew
Larry Mandragon
Zack Stentz
Rick Selvage
Eva Longoria
Executive Producer
Ted Field
James Leon
Executive Producer
Mike McGuiness
Executive Producer
Kari Skogland
Justin Smith
Executive Producer
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