- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
Steve Klasky, Steven Klaszky, ZaZuu LeBan, Jimmie Jim Slugg, Yakazoo Smith, Screwball McAdams
description About
Born in Philadelphia PA, Steve spent the first 14 years of his 25-year police career working undercover. He began his acting career in 2004 at the age of 54. He says, "I saw a film where an actor playing a cop sits in a diner slugging down donuts and coffee and I thought, 'Damn, that's not all that different from what I did as a real cop. Steve lives in southern New Jersey with wife, Debi and has two grown children - Christian and Shanna.
- wc Gender: Male
- calendar_month Birth Date: 1950-07-13
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Acting
- star Popularity: 1
- info Birth Place Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
- visibility Views: 4 views
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