- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
Salmah Nordin
description About
Salmah Ibrahim ( better known as Salmah Hitam or Salmah Nordin) was a Malaysian actress. Besides as a Malay actress, she was a former dancer and drum player for the band Seni Wanita. She had been involved in Malay films from 1951 until 1997. She was the wife to the actor and director, Nordin Ahmad and was gifted with three kids. She died on 30 April 2009 at Padang Sumera, Indonesia due to heart attack.
- wc Gender: Female
- calendar_month Birth Date: Unknown
- event Death Date 2009-04-30
- school Known for: Acting
- star Popularity: 2
- info Birth Place Unknown
- visibility Views: 3 views
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