- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
Ben Mathews, Ben Matthews
description About
Benjamin Mathews is an Australian award-winning filmmaker, actor, and coach. As a director, Benjamin's work has won over 25 international awards for film, television, comedy, advertising, and documentary, and screened at film festivals all over the world, including Cannes. Ben is the only Australian ever nominated for the Student Academy Awards for his short film Emily. As a writer, he was nominated for an Australian Writer’s Guild AWGIE Award. In addition to film, Mathews has written and directed television for the ABC and MTV, such as BedHead and Deadbeat Dads, documentaries, web series and is currently working on his first feature film, Harvey’s Wake.
- wc Gender: Male
- calendar_month Birth Date: Unknown
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Acting
- star Popularity: 0.1
- info Birth Place Australia
- visibility Views: 3 views
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