- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
Cameron Shore
description About
Born in Toronto, Canada, and of Swedish ancestry, Cameron is a woman with many dimensions. A college degree in Travel & Tourism led to four years in the travel industry, and tens of thousands of frequent-flyer miles. She eventually decided she wanted a change, and looked to her second passion, helping people. Initially, that led her to a career developing and teaching executive training programs at a major financial institution. She continued in that field, but has continued to expand her direction, becoming certified in Adult Learning & Training, which has allowed her to add teaching adults with disabilities to her experience. She is also working towards her degree in Human Resources. Cameron also participates in natural fitness competitions, and is consistently a top-five performer.
- wc Gender: Female
- calendar_month Birth Date: Unknown
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Acting
- star Popularity: 0.1
- info Birth Place Unknown
- visibility Views: 2 views
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