- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
RAB, REAL AKIBA BOYZ , リアルアキバボーイズ, アールエービー, R.A.B, Real Akiba Boys
description About
Real Akiba Boyz, alternatively known as RAB is a Japanese b-boy dance unit known for their comedic breakdancing. They call themselves the "Otaku Dancer Team" and represent the prefecture of Akihabara. They're mostly known for dancing to anime theme songs as it's their motif of choice. Members: Suzumiya Atsuki Keitan Dragon Muratomi Maron Ness Zomayaka Janai! Tussy Ryu Chaka (Inactive)
- wc Gender: Not set / not specified
- calendar_month Birth Date: Unknown
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Art
- star Popularity: 0.1
- info Birth Place Unknown
- visibility Views: 3 views
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