- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
Kurose Keisuke, 黒瀬 圭亮 , くろせ けいすけ, Kurose.K, Asriel, Elfensjón, UROBOROS, エルフェンシオン
description About
Keisuke Kurose is a Japanese composer who represented the gothic metal music unit Asriel (from 2006 to 2014, with KOKOMI as the vocalist) and the visual rock band UROBOROS (from 2015 to 2016, with Aya Kamiki as the vocalist). Since 2018, Keisuke has formed a new unit with illustrator Kachiru Ishizue, ELFENSJóN, which releases gothic rock and progressive metal songs, with guest vocalists such as HaNaTan, Kazuya Fujita, and okogeeechann.
- wc Gender: Male
- calendar_month Birth Date: Unknown
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Sound
- star Popularity: 0.1
- info Birth Place Unknown
- visibility Views: 1 views
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