- publicWebsite:
Visit - group Other Names:
大久保 波留, おおくぼ なる
description About
In 2021, Okubo Nalu participated in the second season of the Japanese version of the reality competition show Produce 101 Japan 2. For his promotional vocal video, he chose the song "Sayonara Elegy" (さよならエレジー) by Suda Masaki. He auditioned in the audition group DK WEST *. He received an evaluation grade of C and dropped to D after his re-evaluation. During the group battle, he was in the group Ababies (アベイビーズ) and placed 1st within the group. He ranked 12th in the final episode.
- wc Gender: Male
- calendar_month Birth Date: 2004-07-03
- event Death Date Unknown
- school Known for: Acting
- star Popularity: 0.1
- info Birth Place Unknown
- visibility Views: 1 views
star User Ratings: