description About
Hasse and Tage were best friends for over 30 years. Their films, shows, songs and books influenced an entire nation and were the glue that held people's home together. As a comedic duo, they united right-wing ghosts and anarchists in laughter. When Tage dies prematurely, his children lose a father, Hasse a father figure and all of Sweden a country father. And when Palme dies just months after Tage, the Swedish stable society begins to crumble. For the first time, the Alfredson and Danielsson families open up the archives and give us exclusive access to their stories, photographs and recordings.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2019-12-22
- update Lastly Aired: 2020-01-05
- video_camera_front Companies B-Reel Films
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 3 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 177 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 7.5 / 10
- favorite Likes: 2 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
groups Crew
Jane Magnusson
Jonas Beckman
Cecilia Nessen
Jane Magnusson
Max Rangner
Director of Photography
Lars Kumlin
Fredrik Heinig
Orvar Anklew
comment Comments