description About
The Bold Ones: The Senator is an American political television drama series that aired on NBC from 1970 through 1971, lasting for nine episodes. The series stars Hal Holbrook as Senator Hays Stowe. The Senator was part of The Bold Ones, a rotating series of dramas that also included The New Doctors, The Lawyers, and The Protectors. As a group of dramas, The Bold Ones was nominated for nine Emmy Awards and won five awards. It was also nominated for a Golden Globe for best Drama TV Show. The series was based on an earlier television movie, A Clear and Present Danger.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: A.J. Russell
- calendar_month Release Date: 1970-03-21
- update Lastly Aired: 1971-02-28
- video_camera_front Companies Universal Television
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 9 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 3 / 10
- favorite Likes: 2 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Hal Holbrook
Senator Hays Stowe
Sharon Acker
Ellen Stowe
Cindy Eilbacher
Norma Stowe
Michael Tolan
Jordan Boyle
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