description About
Hidden Hills is an American sitcom that aired on NBC during the 2002-2003 TV season. Based on the book Surviving Suburbia, the series was created by Peter Segal and Ric Swartzlander. The theme song was "Pleasant Valley Sunday", made famous by The Monkees.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Peter Segal
- calendar_month Release Date: 2002-09-24
- update Lastly Aired: 2003-01-21
- video_camera_front Companies Rude Mood Productions, NBC Studios, Primarily Entertainment
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 18 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 30 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 7 / 10
- favorite Likes: 2 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Dondré Whitfield
Paula Marshall
Tamara Taylor
Sarah Timmerman
Kristin Bauer
Belinda Slypich
Louis Ferreira
Alexa Nikolas
Emily Barber
Stacy Galina
Sean Marquette
Gary Kroeger
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