description About
Meet Haruto Hojo, an ordinary high school student with an unusual problem. He's got ghosts and spirits running amuck at school! Appointed President of the Saints Club, Haruto, Mutsuki, and Kazuo are charged with the task of investigating strange phenomena on campus and improve the quality of life for the school spirits that roam the halls. But how can three students handle the likes of Hanako, the sultry bathroom spirit, a Kosak-dancing skeleton, a fish monster living in the school's pool, Red Mantle, Nino-kun, and the rest of the Saito school spirits?
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Mukudori Nemu
- calendar_month Release Date: 1997-04-02
- update Lastly Aired: 1997-06-25
- video_camera_front Companies Studio Deen, Bandai Visual, Bandai Entertainment
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 12 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 25 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 7 / 10
- favorite Likes: 3 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
theaters Trailers
smart_display Cast
Yukie Nakama
Asahina Mutsuki (voice)
Yu Shimaka
Harou Satou (voice)
Yusei Oda
Haruto Houjo (voice)
Shinnosuke Furumoto
Kazumi Ryudo (voice)
Kyoko Hikami
Blue Hanten (voice)
Takeshi Aono
Rijichou (voice)
Ikue Otani
Teke Teke (voice)
Takashi Matsuyama
Haruto Nanjou (voice)
Akiko Hiramatsu
Yamiko (voice)
Mayumi Izuka
Kagamiko (voice)
groups Crew
Yoshio Itou
Art Direction
Yukie Nakama
Theme Song Performance
Atsuko Nakajima
Character Designer
Hayato Matsuo
Original Music Composer
Yuji Muto
Series Director
image Images
All seasons
1 Seasons in total-
Haruto Hojo is the son of a priest, which might sound normal. However, his school is the ground zero gathering point for everything ghost, spirit, and ...
12 Episode(s)
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