description About
France Five, originally titled Juushi Sentai France Five and later known as Shin Kenjuushi France Five, is a French series produced by Buki X-4 Productions in the 2000s. It is an homage to Toei's ever-popular Super Sentai series, which was extremely popular in France in the 1980s. As a nod to Super Sentai titles having certain motifs, France Five has each member themed after certain aspects of French culture. Plot : Glou Man Chou, ruler of the Lexos Empire, desires to conquer planet Earth. However, the Eiffel Tower generates a barrier around the planet that keeps him from sending his armies en masse. Glou Man Chou sends his warriors and monsters to Earth to destroy the tower and enable a full-scale invasion, but they are opposed by France Five.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Alexandre Pilot
- calendar_month Release Date: 1999-11-30
- update Lastly Aired: 2013-04-20
- video_camera_front Companies
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 6 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: N/A Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 7 / 10
- favorite Likes: 1 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Sébastien Ruchet
Antoine Deschaumes / Red Fromage
Grégory Goldberg
Thierry Durand / Black Beaujolais
Daniel Andreyev
Albert Dumas / Blue Accordéon
Thomas Blumberg
Jean Pétri / Yellow Baguette
Nolwenn Daste
Catherine Fontaine / Pink à la Mode
Wendy Roeltgen
Catherine Fontaine /Pink à la Mode
Grégoire Hellot
Aramis Leclair / Silver Mousquetaire
Tibor Clerdouet
Professor Aristide Burgonde
Aurélie Maurice
Extasy / Sophie Burgonde
Nadège Bessaguet
Jean-Marc Imbert
David Guélou
Glou Man Chou
Olivier Fallaix
Patrick Giordano
Dorothée Leclére-Tardif
Sylvie Dumas
Émilie Thoré
Clémence Perrot
Lætitia Girard
Michel Toustou
Léna Desfontaines
Lady Warcry
Ruddy Pomarède
Romanesque Ishitobi
Frédéric Hosteing
Aurélien François
Grand Crelax
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