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1: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Miami Real Estate Search
2: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Demolition & Designer House Tour
3: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Feature Installations and Touring Lincoln Road
4: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Installing Kitchen Cabinets and Using Glass Shower Tile
5: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Cork Floors and Custom Countertops
6: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Installing Bath Fixtures and a Water Cooled HVAC System
7: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Inset Bar, Art-Glass Pocket Doors, and Refurbished Aluminum Sliders
8: Home Again with Bob Vila Miami Beach Condo: Finishes Make the Remodel Complete
9: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: A New Lift for a Manhattan Brownstone
10: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Demolition in the Manhattan Brownstone
11: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Building Affordable Homes On Cape Cod
12: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Falmouth's Model for Quality Affordable Housing
13: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Foundations and Framing
14: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Hardwood Floors, Traditional Plaster, and Fiberglass Drywall
15: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Affordable Framing, Roofing, and Windows in Mashpee
16: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Installing Drop Ceilings, Custom Windows, and Mechanicals
18: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Cladding, Insulating, and Zoning for an Affordable Home
20: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Installing a Composite Deck and Fiberglass Drywall
21: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Installing Pre-Hung Doors, Hardwood Floors, and Gutters
22: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Affordable HVAC, Painting, Kitchen Cabinets and Counters
23: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Installing Glazed Wall Tile and a Pedestal Sink
24: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Refurbishing Wrought Iron, Custom Kitchen Cabinets, Profile Molding
25: Home Again with Bob Vila Manhattan Remodel and Cape Cod Affordable: Kitchens, Feng Shui, and Energy Star Homes
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