description About
Based on a manga with the same name created by Aida Natsumi, 'Switch Girl!!' revolves around a high school student named Nika who appears to be a stylish and fashionable girl at school, but that's really a fake persona that she uses when she's in public. At home, she “switches off” the facade and her returns to her true slovenly nature. Kiriyama Renn plays the good-looking transfer student Arata, who is Nika's love interest in the story.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Natsumi Aida
- calendar_month Release Date: 2011-12-24
- update Lastly Aired: 2013-01-25
- video_camera_front Companies Fuji Television Network
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 2 Seasons, 16 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 30 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 6.5 / 10
- favorite Likes: 13 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Mariya Nishiuchi
Nika Tamiya
Renn Kiriyama
Rikako Sakata
Anri Okamoto
Reika/ Monkey Queen
Shō Jinnai
Masamune Hirota
Tsugumi Shinohara
Meika Kizaki
Yohei Kumabe
Masaru Kimoto
Park Hosino
Tamiya's Mother
Ayaka Ikezawa
Rika Tamiya
Shintaro Akiyama
Keiji Someya
Nana Mizuki
Runa Midou
groups Crew
image Images
All seasons
2 Seasons in total-
Switch Girl!! revolves around a high school student named Nika who appears to be a stylish and fashionable girl at school, but that's really a fake pe ...
8 Episode(s) -
Nika and Arata are finally together, and with their looks and lovey atmosphere they are the best couple in school. Season two will show how they furth ...
8 Episode(s)
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