description About
Ultimate Factories also known as Megafactories is an American documentary television series that premiered in 2006 on the National Geographic Channel. The program explores the inner workings of factories worldwide. Each episode profiles the machinery and manpower behind each factory's main product, featuring close-ups, breakdowns, interviews, and side stories to show the sequence of events to produce the product in the factory. Hoff Productions was one of the principal producers of this highly successful series. It also airs in non-US markets as Megafactories.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2006-11-09
- update Lastly Aired: 2013-11-28
- video_camera_front Companies Hoff Productions
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 8 Seasons, 84 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 7.3 / 10
- favorite Likes: 9 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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