description About
The story revolves around a young woman named Mei, who was rescued as a young girl by someone calling himself her "butler." With only a vague memory, though, the experience seems like just a dream. But one day, after her parents' accidental death, he appears: Rihito comes from a line of outstanding butlers, and he has been appointed to serve her! Now her ordinary life has completely flipped, as she discovers that she's actually the heiress to a fortune, and is forced to transfer to St. Lucia Girls' Academy, where all the students have butlers! As a result, her childhood friend Kento decides to enroll in a butler school so that he can stay close to her.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Hiroyuki Gotō
- calendar_month Release Date: 2009-01-13
- update Lastly Aired: 2009-03-17
- video_camera_front Companies
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 10 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 46 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 6.6 / 10
- favorite Likes: 22 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
smart_display Cast
Nana Eikura
Shinonome Mei
Hiro Mizushima
Shibata Rihito
Yu Yamada
Lucia (Hongo Shiori)
Osamu Mukai
Mitsuki Tanimura
Yamada Tami
Aya Omasa
Kayama Rika
Takeru Satoh
Shibata Kento
Shinnosuke Abe
Ryohei Suzuki
Keiko Horiuchi
Sister Rose
Nanase Hoshii
Natsumi Nakamoto
Hiromi Kitagawa
Mifuyu Nakamoto
Mako Ishino
Akiko Nakamoto
Tetta Sugimoto
Shunpei Nakamoto
Kosuke Suzuki
Masahiko Tsugawa
Kintaro Hongo
Manpei Takagi
Ukon Akabane
Shinpei Takagi
Sakon Akabane
Mayuko Iwasa
Izumi Ryuonji
Asami Usuda
Yuma Daichi
Ai Yoshikawa
Mamahara Miruku
Chiaki Horan
Ayano Yamamoto
Daishi Shikanai
Akihiro Mayama
Jutta Yuki
Aoi Nakabeppu
Jun Hashizume
Yorie Yamashita
Haruna Kojima
Kaori Yamaguchi
Tomomi Maruyama
Nobuo Kyô
Manpei Takagi
Natsumi Ishibashi
Kenki Yamaguchi
groups Crew
Yu Takami
Original Music Composer
Kazunao Furuya
Shin Kono
Original Music Composer
Riko Miyagi
Comic Book
Fumi Hashimoto
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