description About
Paths to Freedom was a popular comedy on the Irish television network RTÉ Two. The shows stars two characters, Jeremy and Rats, who have both recently been released from a Dublin prison. The show takes the format of a mockumentary, with a fly-on-the-wall camera crew following the two characters, who are from thoroughly different backgrounds, as they try to reintegrate back into society. There were six episodes of the show produced, the first airing on November 1, 2000, and the final episode airing one month later. The series was followed-up by a movie based on the character Rats, Spin the Bottle. The show was written by Michael McElhatton, and directed by Ian Fitzgibbon.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2000-11-01
- update Lastly Aired: 2000-12-18
- video_camera_front Companies
- list_alt Seasons & Episodes: 1 Seasons, 6 Episodes
- timer Episode Runtime: 30 Mins/Episode
- star Rating: 6.7 / 10
- favorite Likes: 3 Likes
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
comment Comments