Traders Season 1 episode 12 (1970)

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Ian Dancer gives the executive committee some tough news. They need to clean up their image before they go public. Kathy promises to sue the firm for wrongful dismissal. Because Jack asked her to quit after the insider trading fiasco, she cannot collect unemployment. Jack refuses to write her a letter saying he fired her. If he does she can technically be arrested for insider trading, and the image of the firm will be badly hurt. Ian advises Jack to hire her back, knowing that any lawsuit would reveal the details of the insider trading, which could land all three of them in jail. Jack hires her back. Susannah cannot sign a lockup deal with Gardner/Ross for fear of losing custody of her daughter. She is charged with the task of finding her own replacement. She calls Monica back in to ask her to join, but she seems less than enthusiastic about it. At the GR party Ian finds out about the firm trying to nab Monica as the new head of their Research department. Monica finds out Ian'


  • verified Status: Ended
  • person By: Unknown
  • calendar_month Release Date:
  • video_camera_front Companies CanWest Global Communications, Alliance Atlantis, Atlantis Films
  • tag Season: Season 1
  • timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
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