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1: The Fifth Estate The Vaccine
2: The Fifth Estate Amazon unpacked: The human cost of convenience
6: The Fifth Estate Finding School No. 4: WE Charity's donor deception in Kenya
7: The Fifth Estate Come hell... B.C. under water
8: The Fifth Estate Why Not in Winnipeg
9: The Fifth Estate Base of Hate
10: The Fifth Estate The Reckoning: Secrets Unearthed by Tk'emlúps te Secwépemc
11: The Fifth Estate School of Secrets: New Revelations From Inside the Cult
12: The Fifth Estate The convoy and the questions: How a protest paralyzed a capital
13: The Fifth Estate Parents Without Power: When Addicted Kids Can't be Forced into Care
14: The Fifth Estate Priced Out: Canada's Rental Crisis
15: The Fifth Estate Bait and switch: Recycling's dirty secrets
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