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1: The Look for Less Las Vegas Shopping
2: The Look for Less Career Change
3: The Look for Less Catholic School Teacher Make-Over
4: The Look for Less Discount Store Specials
5: The Look for Less Busy Woman Makeover
6: The Look for Less Wardrobe Crisis
7: The Look for Less Weight Loss
8: The Look for Less Elegant Ensemble Exchange
9: The Look for Less Honeymoon Crisis
10: The Look for Less Little India
11: The Look for Less Runway to Reality
12: The Look for Less Season Essentails
13: The Look for Less Evening Style
14: The Look for Less Wardrobe Rescue
15: The Look for Less Wedding Style
16: The Look for Less High Fashion Flair
17: The Look for Less Pleats, Plaids, and Party Flavours
18: The Look for Less Professional Look
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