description About
Eight-year-old Felix, an enthusiastic stargazer with a predilection for complex astronomy, causes an accident when he draws a picture of the solar system on the highway. Semir and Ben try to bond with the boy but to no avail, for Felix is autistic and lets nobody get close to him. The only person who manages to communicate with the boy is Hartmut, a fellow stargazer. Meanwhile Semir and Ben find out that Felix’s mother is seriously injured and in a coma after having been beaten up. Semir and Ben discover that the mother was a cleaner in a cash-and-values transport company. They begin to suspect that Felix’s mother could be involved in the heist and Felix may know where the money is.
- verified Status: Returning Series
- person By: Hermann Joha
- calendar_month Release Date: 2009-03-19
- video_camera_front Companies action concept, Polyphon
- tag Season: Season 25
- timer Episode Runtime: 45 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
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