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Rikka gets distracted from working in the Royal Garden, and goes off to get Yaya and Hikaru at the flower beds. Ran, Miki, Su, Diamond, and KusuKusu were asked to go with her so she doesn't get distracted. Along the way, Rikka finds a bird egg which fell from its nest. She tries to climb up the tree, but fails. The guardian characters than bring the egg back into the bird's nest. Rikka then asks the guardian characters what happens when a X Egg is purified but the owner already has a new heart egg. Ran and the others were unable to answer the question, and soon arrived at the sports field. When they reach the sports field, Rikka spots a X Egg and runs after it. The X Egg is very clumsy and bumps into many things while trying to run away. Ran and the others go back to Amu and Rima telling them about the X Egg. Amu gets to the sports field and purifies the X Egg. Amu then scolds Rikka about going after X Eggs by herself, however, Rikka gets distracted and ignores Amu.


  • verified Status: Ended
  • person By: Unknown
  • calendar_month Release Date: 2009-10-31
  • video_camera_front Companies SATELIGHT
  • tag Season: Season 3
  • timer Episode Runtime: 25 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
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