description About
Sean is a guy who at first seems wouldn't need any help from the Fab 5.He's cultured,young and fairly cute,BUT he is a:toy collecting,chronic razor burning,Ramen noodle eating freelance designing,Internet obsessing INTROVERT!(whew that was a finger full to type).Carson after finding out that most of Sean's wardrobe is black,black,and black brings color back in it.Jai and Sean take a field trip to Long Island City to go to a museum where they converse over dating,Jai also tells Sean what he'll be doing tonight:speed dating!back at Sean's,Jai has the rest of the guys play different types of dates:Thom-""difficult,"" Kyan-""shy,"" and Carson-""drunk and physical"".Sean loves martial arts so Kyan takes him to a capoeira class,Kyan also get Sean an exfoliate,a in-shower shaving mirror, and a moisturizer to deal with his razor burn. Ted and Sean go grocery shopping, they get a roast-able chicken and a bunch of sides.Thom takes Sean to a store where after you pick your furniture you use a computer
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2004-08-31
- video_camera_front Companies Scout Productions, Bravo Original Production
- tag Season: Season 2
- timer Episode Runtime: 54 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
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