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1: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And The Snowman
2: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And The Thin Teddy Bear
3: The Adventures of Twizzle The Lazy Broomstick Man
4: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And The Polly Moppet
5: The Adventures of Twizzle Footso And The Magic Seeds
6: The Adventures of Twizzle Jiffy And The Polly Moppet Quarrel
7: The Adventures of Twizzle Footso Gets A New Tail
8: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Is Naughty
9: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Is Stolen
10: The Adventures of Twizzle Chawky Gets A Present
11: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And The Toy Inspector
12: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And The Naughty Breakdown Van
13: The Adventures of Twizzle Orange And The Banana Tree
14: The Adventures of Twizzle Jiffy's Birthday
15: The Adventures of Twizzle Polly Moppet Disappears
16: The Adventures of Twizzle Naughty Polly Moppet
17: The Adventures of Twizzle Footso And The Naughty Girl
18: The Adventures of Twizzle Stray Town Thief
19: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Papers The Cabin
20: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle And Footso Go Camping
21: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Goes To The Seaside
22: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Goes To The Fair
23: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Goes Fishing
24: The Adventures of Twizzle Twizzle Goes To The Zoo
25: The Adventures of Twizzle Candy Floss's Birthday
26: The Adventures of Twizzle Footso Has A Toothache
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