description About
How do birds find their way? How does an electric fish perceive its surroundings? What's it like to see images formed from body heat? Supersense uses a new filming style to travel into a world filled with senses as remarkable as any human sixth sense. It flies with geese as they navigate by the sun and stars, swims with a dolphin through a magnetic landscape, discovers a mammal that senses body electricity and a fish that creates a forcefield. It finds animal meteorologists, animals that predict earthquakes, and even animals sensitive to the slightest breeze or the movement of water.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 1988-12-05
- video_camera_front Companies BBC Studios Natural History Unit
- tag Season: Season 1
- timer Episode Runtime: 30 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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