description About
Kandi's tour bus makes it to Miami, where Phaedra, Sheree and Cynthia are awaiting its arrival. Their plans for a fun, relaxing weekend to celebrate Cynthia's bachelorette are quickly dashed when the bus doors open to reveal Kim and NeNe in the middle of a blowout fight. Kim and Kandi celebrate the final show of their promo tour and NeNe invites her best friend Diana down to stay at the house with the ladies. A brief respite from the battle comes as Cynthia walks in a Miami Swim Week swimsuit fashion show, but Cynthia's own thrill of being back on the runway is short-lived. When pressed by the other women to talk about her upcoming wedding, Cynthia breaks down in tears over the stress of her nearing nuptials.
- verified Status: Returning Series
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2011-01-23
- video_camera_front Companies Truly Original
- tag Season: Season 3
- timer Episode Runtime: 43 Mins
- star Rating: 6 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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