Touched by an Angel Season 2 episode 14 (1996)

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Rock 'n' Roll star Jon Mateos has it all, a loving wife Evie, a devoted teenagae daughter Samantha, and a son Dylan. He relies on Evie for support and she responds by trying to be everywhere and do everything for him. Jon's comfortable world is turned upside down when Evie, rushing from her daughter's concert to a TV appearence by Jon, is killed in a car accident. Faced with actually having to raise his children, and deal with their emotional trauma, Jon rereats into work and then rapidly descends into and drug use. Monica who is Jon's driver, watches as his attempts to record a new song, 'Nowhere', disappear down the bottle and up his nose. Tess is the kid's nanny, Samantha slips around her to go out with friends to a concert. But en route they stop at a motel to party. Samantha didn't plan on this and runs out. She pages her dad, but he's too stoned to pick up his pager. Eventually Sam hitches a ride with a trucker. When the driver points out they're at the spot where Evi


  • verified Status: Ended
  • person By: John Masius
  • calendar_month Release Date: 1996-01-20
  • video_camera_front Companies CBS Entertainment Productions, Moon Water Productions
  • tag Season: Season 2
  • timer Episode Runtime: 48 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
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