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1: Playwrights '56 The Answer
2: Playwrights '56 The Battler
3: Playwrights '56 The Heart's a Forgotten Hotel
4: Playwrights '56 Snow Job
5: Playwrights '56 Daisy! Daisy!
6: Playwrights '56 The Sound and the Fury
7: Playwrights '56 The Waiting Place
8: Playwrights '56 The Day the Trains Stopped Running
9: Playwrights '56 Lost
10: Playwrights '56 This Business of Murder
11: Playwrights '56 Return to Cassino
12: Playwrights '56 Flight
13: Playwrights '56 Adam and Evening
14: Playwrights '56 The Undiscovered Country
15: Playwrights '56 You and Me and the Gatepost
16: Playwrights '56 The Center of the Maze
17: Playwrights '56 You Sometimes Get Rich
18: Playwrights '56 Keyhole
19: Playwrights '56 Nick and Letty
20: Playwrights '56 Honor
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