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1: When the Whistle Blows Rodeo Blues (Pilot)
2: When the Whistle Blows Love Is a Four-Letter Word (1)
3: When the Whistle Blows Macho Man
4: When the Whistle Blows The Inheritance (aka The Wildcatters)
5: When the Whistle Blows God's Country
7: When the Whistle Blows Somebody's Daughter
9: When the Whistle Blows Love in the Fast Lane
6: When the Whistle Blows Beauty Pageant (aka Miss Hard Hat USA)
8: When the Whistle Blows The House that Roared
10: When the Whistle Blows Run for the Roses
11: When the Whistle Blows Love Is a Four-Letter Word (2)
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