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1: History's Mysteries Quantrill's Raiders
2: History's Mysteries Judas: Traitor or Friend?
3: History's Mysteries Failed Assassinations
4: History's Mysteries Buried Treasure
5: History's Mysteries The Mysterious Howard Hughes
6: History's Mysteries The Abominable Snowman
7: History's Mysteries U.S. Invaded!
8: History's Mysteries The Shroud of Turin
9: History's Mysteries Monsters of the Sea
10: History's Mysteries Killer Submarine
11: History's Mysteries The True Story of the Fighting Sullivans
12: History's Mysteries The Search for Noah's Ark
13: History's Mysteries Terror in the Heartland: The Black Legion
14: History's Mysteries Salem Witch Trials
15: History's Mysteries History of Prostitution: Sex in the City
16: History's Mysteries Human Bondage
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