Fear Factor Season 3 episode 18 (2003)

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This episode featured four couples competing as teams. Stunt #1: Save Your Spouse One person would be locked in a Plexiglas box and submerged in water. Their partner would have dive in, unlock three locks, and open the door. The person who was trapped in the box would then have to swim to the surface and pull a flag. The three couples to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest couple would be eliminated. Stunt #2: Roach Transfer One person would have to get mouthfuls of Madagascar hissing cockroaches from a box and transfer them to their partner by mouth. Their partner would have to spit the roaches into another box. The couple to transfer the most roaches in 3 minutes would win $25,000, and everyone present in this stunt would be brought back for the finals to compete for the remaining $25,000. Stunt #3: Couples Hang The men would be hung upside-down by their ankles over 100 feet in the air while holding on to the women's hands. The co


  • verified Status: Ended
  • person By: Unknown
  • calendar_month Release Date: 2003-02-10
  • video_camera_front Companies Endemol USA, Endemol Entertainment, Pulse Creative
  • tag Season: Season 3
  • timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins
  • star Rating: 0 / 10
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