description About
This episode featured four duos (two pairs of best friends, a set of twins, and a dating couple) competing as teams in Las Vegas. The winning team would have to bet half their winnings on a hand of blackjack. Stunt #1 (Inverted fall and car flip) One team member would be handcuffed and hung by their ankles 120 feet in the air while their partner waited in a car on the ground. The person hanging by their ankles would have to unlock the handcuffs and pull a rip cord. When the rip cord was pulled, the person would drop to the ground head-first and a pipe ramp would be lit on fire. When the ramp was lit, the person in the car would have to have to hit the ramp and flip the car into a wall of road-block barrels. The three teams to complete this stunt the fastest would advance to the next round. The slowest team would be eliminated. Stunt #2 (Fear Factor cocktails) Contestants would be playing poker Fear Factor style at the Excalibur. In order get cards, each player would have to
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Unknown
- calendar_month Release Date: 2005-02-21
- video_camera_front Companies Endemol USA, Endemol Entertainment, Pulse Creative
- tag Season: Season 5
- timer Episode Runtime: 60 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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