description About
The Kennedys rally to put Jack in the White House, but their difficult past illuminates a deeper struggle. “People talk about the curse that seems to echo down the generations of the Kennedys and in a certain sense it’s true,” says Tom Wilkinson. “And if you are going to see it in the kind of Greek tragedy sense, there isn’t a better sort of patriarchal figure than Joe Kennedy because his world view was extreme. His world view was: ambition, money and family. It’s almost medieval in its simplicity … but almost everything else went by the boards.” -Tom Wilkinson
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Joel Surnow
- calendar_month Release Date: 2011-04-03
- video_camera_front Companies Muse Entertainment, Asylum Entertainment
- tag Season: Season 1
- timer Episode Runtime: 45 Mins
- star Rating: 7 / 10
- visibilityViews:
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