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1: Tytania Cerberus Battle
2: Tytania The Four Dukes of Uraniborg
3: Tytania Requirements of a Hero
4: Tytania Lira Florenz
5: Tytania Principality of Tyrandia
6: Tytania Battle of Syracuse System
7: Tytania Under the Blaze Flag
8: Tytania Two Encounters
9: Tytania Small Wind
10: Tytania Collapse of Euria
11: Tytania Hyulick's Determination
12: Tytania The Infiltation of Emmental
13: Tytania The beginning of the end
14: Tytania Storming the Ryutehhi
15: Tytania Like A Grain Of Wheat
16: Tytania Imminent Counterattack
17: Tytania Overpriced Ransom
18: Tytania Prison Satellite Chronos
19: Tytania The Radmose Case
20: Tytania Chronos Assault
21: Tytania Chance Meeting on Esthar
22: Tytania Prelude of Ambition
23: Tytania Desert Rat
24: Tytania Honest Old Man
25: Tytania Fierce Fighting on Hot Sand
26: Tytania End of the Song of the Souls` Repose (Requiem)
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