description About
Nigel searches the early Mongolia deserts and forests for Therizinosaurus, who has massive and very long claws. On his journey, Nigel dashes across a nesting ground of Protoceratops into a forest ruled by Velociraptor and then into the path of a Tarbosaurus. He also finds a Mononykus and discovers they have feathers. At a water hole he finds a pack of Velociraptor, hunting him. After he returns to the water hole (escaping the raptors using a fog horn) he sees a Therizinosaurus fend off a hungry Tarbosaurus with its formidable claws. Nigel then finds that Therizinosaurus is a herbivore that uses its sickle-claws to hook tree and bush branches towards its mouth.
- verified Status: Ended
- person By: Tim Haines
- calendar_month Release Date: 2002-12-30
- video_camera_front Companies BBC, Discovery, TV Asahi, France 3, Pro7
- tag Season: Season 0
- timer Episode Runtime: 29 Mins
- star Rating: 0 / 10
- visibilityViews:
starUser Ratings:
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