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1: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Departure for El Dorado
2: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Goodbye, Indian village
3: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Circus boy Chooch
4: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Cross the evil lake
5: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Kena in the mist
6: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Dangerous rope bridge
7: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes White cliff with condors
8: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Puma lullaby
9: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Capita temple disappeared
10: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Illusory white horse Jupiter
11: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes The mysterious Narua treasure
12: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Song of the golden condor
13: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Goodbye, Titicaca
14: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Showdown! The black eagle gang
15: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Hurry Pepero! To wolf valley
16: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Anaconda the man-eating great snake
17: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Baby stolen by an eagle
18: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Queen of the crystal temple
19: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Revive, city of the sun
20: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Chooch's sister
21: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes An Amazon tribe of women only
22: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Golden temple under the lake
23: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Mysterious kingdom under the earth
24: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Demon captain's daughter
25: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes El Dorado the city of gold
26: The Adventures of Pepero, Son of the Andes Secret treasure of El Dorado
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